Kindred Force Payments
Tired of Payment Processing Costing 4% of your sale?
Tired of Bills too Complicated to Read?
Software Vendor needing to Integrate Payment Processing?
Wholesale Payment Processing
What We Can Do For You!
What We Do:
Wholesale Payment Processing
We want clients, not your hard earned money!
Interchange is the base rate for credit card processing charged by the major card brands.
Sorry, we can't do anything about that.
We can, however, only charge enough to keep the lights on.
That's right! Interchange plus as low as 50 basis points, depending on your business!
That's only $0.50 on every $100.00 processed!

What We Offer
Individual Merchants
Lower processing rates
Simple Billing Statements
Standard Processing Credentials
Plug and Play with your current systems
Software Vendors
RESTful APIs for integration
Embeded Payment System
PCI Compliance
Additional Source of Revenue
Contact Us
529 25th St. Suite 200, Ogden, UT 84401